Oban Bay Community Berthing Ltd

Oban Bay Community Berthing Ltd 
General terms and conditions of use

Oban Bay Community Berthing Ltd is a community management company operating for the benefit of small boat owners and sailing visitors in Oban Bay.

  • Facilities currently available for summer season use only
  • 16 visitors moorings in the former anchoring area at Cardingmill Bay off Dungallan Parks, near to Oban Sailing Club
  • Adjacent Cardingmill Bay landing stage

Visitor Moorings

General Conditions of Use of Visitor Moorings

  • Moorings arranged in 3 trots; identified by yellow buoys marked with black ‘V’; all with pickups.
  • At the time of being laid, these moorings were considered suitable to be used by vessels of approximate maximum lengths :
    • 10m on Trot A - closest inshore
    • 12m on Trot B - the centre row
    • 14m on Trot C - furthest offshore
  •  Moorings are available on a first come first served basis.
  • The decision as to whether a particular mooring is suitable for a vessel of a certain size and weight, in different weather conditions, is for the owner/skipper of the vessel to judge.
  • By securing a vessel to one of these visitor moorings the vessels owner/skipper warrants to the mooring owners that their vessel carries valid insurance cover for any claims arising out of their use of the said mooring.
  • These moorings are provided as a courtesy to visiting vessels. It is not recommended that vessels are left on visitor moorings unattended.
  • All users of the visitor moorings do so entirely at their own risk.
  • Vessels using these moorings must have 3rd party insurance.
  • The mooring owners reserve the right, entirely at their discretion, to require visitors to remove their vessel from any of the visitor moorings.
  • Please do not attempt to cut through the Moorings on your approach to the landing stage
  • Please show consideration to other users by not exceeding 4 knots within the anchorage and bay.

Visitor Moorings Fees and Payment Procedure

  •  Mooring fees:
    • £5/ up to 4 hours during the day
    • £20/ night
    • £100/week
      reasonable landing stage use and leaving of dinghy alongside is included in visitor mooring fee
  • call or send a text to 07751 605746 on arrival - we'll send you a text by return with details of moorings fees and how and where to pay.
    • details of fees and how to pay are usually on display at Oban Sailing Club and at the adjacent landing stage
  • Envelopes to make payment are available from dispenser mounted on the side of the yellow pay box located on adjacent landing stage
  • Take an envelope; fill up the form with your details, place payment into the envelope; seal it and deposit it into the yellow pay box
  • We check daily to ensure fees are paid and to empty the pay box
  • Mooring fees may also be sent directly to us at the address below.
    • make cheques out to 'Oban Bay Community Berthing Ltd' and post to
      Oban Bay Community Berthing Ltd
      c/o 13 Dungallan Terrace
      PA34 4PB
    • include your name and address and other contact details(preferably an email address!) if you require a receipt
    • Or pay by BACS - details on envelopes

Cardingmill Bay Landing Stage

General Conditions of Landing Stage Use

  • Fee payable or ticket required for each use/visit
  • Maximum stay 30 minutes if others are waiting
  • Strictly no berthing on outside face of landing stage
  • For landing and loading/unloading of crew and provisions only
  • No commercial fish landing
  • No vessel may be left unattended at any time(except dinghies, which are left unattended at own risk)
  • No overnight stay
  • Space to come alongside is available on a first come first served basis
  • Do not raft more than 2 deep
  • Use only in conditions you judge suitable for use by your vessel
  • Use of the landing stage is at your own risk
  • All vessels using the facility must have 3rd party insurance
  • Please follow the directions of OBCB volunteer
  • The decision as to whether use of the landing stage is suitable for a vessel of a certain size and weight, in different weather conditions, is for the owner/skipper of the vessel to judge.
  • By securing a vessel to the landing stage the vessels owner/skipper warrants to the landing stage owners that their vessel carries valid insurance cover for any claims arising out of their use of the said landing stage.
  • This landing stage is provided as a courtesy to vessel owners.
  • All users of the landing stage do so entirely at their own risk.
  • The landing stage owners reserve the right, entirely at their discretion, to require owners/skippers to remove their vessel from the landing stage.

Landing Stage Fees and Payment Procedure

  • Fee payable or ticket required for every use or visit to Cardingmill Bay Landing Stage – for each 30 minute period or less
    • place the standard fee directly into the yellow pay box on the landing stage
      • each leisure use £2.00
      • commercial use £8.00
        (collection / landing of paying passengers)
      • dinghies/tenders £1.00 per day; small boats  of less than 6M £2.00 day
      • community development projects - please apply
        directly to Oban Bay Community Berthing Ltd
        for conditions of use
  • Please deposit the correct landing stage payment directly into the yellow pay box on the landing stage each time you use the facility - thanks!
  • We check daily to ensure fees are paid and to empty the pay box

  • One use of the landing stage is included in the visitor mooring fee.

The landing stage was provided and installed through the efforts of the
Committee and Members of  the former Cardingmill Bay Mooring Owners Association

Design & Hosting by Pole Position