30m pontoon with walkway shore access
- Minimum depth 5m on seaward side, 4m on inside
- Water available
- Refuse bin available at roadside
- Fee payable for each use/visit
- pay on the day
- pay by prior arrangement
- Maximum stay 30 minutes if others are waiting
- No overnight stay/berthing for boats >7m
- For landing and loading/unloading of crew and provisions only
- No commercial fish landing
- No vessel may be left unattended at any time (except dinghies/small RIBS which are left unattended at own risk)
- Space to come alongside is available on a first come first served basis
- Do not raft more than 2 deep
- Use only in conditions you judge suitable for use by your vessel
- Use of the landing stage is at your own risk
- All vessels using these facilities must have 3rd party liability.
- Please follow the directions of OBCB volunteer
general rules of landing stage use
- the seaward face of the landing stage is intended for short term use only; maximum stay of 30 minutes
- the inshore face of the landing stage is available to small boats - less than 7m - for day use
fees and how to pay
landing stage fees |
leisure | commercial | dinghy |
per each 30 mins use | £2 | £8 | £1 per day |
visitor moorings fees are here |
Day Rates for Small Boats (RIBs etc)
<4.5m :£2/day; £10/wk; £20/month; £200/year
4.5-7m: £5/day; £25/wk;£60/month; £600/year
how to pay - use an envelope
Please take an envelope from the dispenser next to the yellow box - print your detailson the form provided. Place payment inside the envelope and deposit it into the yellow pay box.
Cheques payable to ‘Oban Bay Community Berthing Ltd’
We are happy to accept payments by BACS - please use an envelope to give us your payment details.
BACS to: Bank of Scotland, Station Road, Oban, PA34 4LL
sort code 80 17 99 a/c 06016795
a/c name Oban Bay Community Berthing
We check daily to ensure fees are paid and empty the pay box. Please help us by complying with these simple instructions.
Community Development Projects - please apply directly to Oban Bay Community Berthing Ltd for conditions of use